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Dramatically Cut your Production, Assembly,
Maintenance Costs and Schedules, using BuildIT®

The production / integration of high technology products (such as aircraft, ships, satellites, etc.) is a massively complex process, requiring timely, accurate, and comprehensive information from a broad range of sources. Challenges facing today’s High-Tech production include:

  • Preventing slippages
  • Preventing cost overruns
  • Avoiding reduced scope or quality to correct the above
  • Answering the question: “How to quickly build the best high-quality product, most economically”

The main problem behind these challenges is not poor personnel or equipment, but a failure to use the right technology to manage the production.

Today’s production/manufacturing management systems – MOM, ERP/SAP, etc., are all Project Management or Financially based. However, Project Management is very much a monitoring technology, and not a controlling technology. For example, ERP lets you monitor that a slippage is happening, and forecasts that it will delay the delivery date by "so-much", but it does not put you in control to prevent it from happening.


Real-Life Industry Challenge

One of the largest Aerospace/Defense company in the world had a problem. They had spent tens of $Millions on a new Manufacturing System, and their Head of Manufacturing told Greg Knight:

"Whenever we want to do something, the first step is to bypass SAP."

So, the very Manufacturing Systems that should have been helping them, were actually hindering them.

BuildIT® - Build Intelligence™ Technology

BuildIT® is a software product, designed “from the ground up” by Aerospace, Defense & IT Engineers, to be the Controlling Technology for managing complex, high-technology assembly and production. BuildIT® is a sophisticated software package which embodies patented Build Intelligence Technology™.

It has been designed in conjunction with leading industry manufacturing & production engineers, specifically to:

  • Reduce Unplanned Work by providing Advanced Decision Support for Engineers and Managers.
  • Maintain a Better Momentum for Production (fewer production stalls).
  • Significantly Cut Costs by Improving Efficiency.
  • Build Higher Quality Products More Easily through automation of Information Capture.
  • Genuinely Help with Production, Assembly, Test, QA, Maintenance, etc.

In other words, it builds Aircraft, Satellites and Ships: Better, Faster, and More Economically. Industry estimates savings of over 20% during assembly, integration and test.

Major cost & time savings, plus quality improvements are not the only benefits of the BuildIT® system. Prevention-of-Loss, as well as substantial Risk-Reduction, are also major benefits.

Below, you will see why BuildIT® meets a need no other production / manufacturing technology can address. 

How Build Intelligence™ Technology Compares with Other Technologies

There are already a number of existing management technologies that can be applied to manufacturing, including MOM, MES, ERP/SAP, etc. To understand how Build Intelligence Technology™ is different, consider the following.

It's All About Volume and Speed

In a high-volume manufacturing scenario (such as the manufacture of wiper motors for cars), "Making the product" may be a 5 minute robotic task. The main cost saving available is in keeping manufacturing at maximum throughput, and balancing inventory with orders, so technologies like MOM, MES, and ERP/SAP are a great fit.

NASA Europa ClipperNarrow
NAVAIR F-18E Wing Load Test Setup

Low Volume, Non-Automated Production

In a low-volume, low-velocity, high value, high complexity, manufacturing scenario (such as the manufacture of satellites, aircraft, tanks, etc.), “Making the product ” can be a 3-9+ month manual task, requiring tens of thousands of hours of work by highly skilled engineers & technicians. "Making the product" now represents a huge part of the production / assembly cost. The main cost saving is therefore in helping engineers “Make the Product” more efficiently. This unique focus is a major differentiation between Build Intelligence Technology™ and the other manufacturing management technologies on the market.

For customers with existing MOM / MES / ERP implementations, Build Intelligence™ Technology can interface with these.

Build Intelligence™ Technology addresses the issues of low-volume manufacturing that were never intended to be addressed by the other management technologies.

Mission Goals

The goals of BuildIT® are as follows:

To Build Products like Aircraft, Satellites and Ships:

- Better

  • By automatically raising the standard of both engineering & quality information
  • By preventing loss (of time & equipment) & reducing risk

- Faster

  • By providing better intelligence for advanced decision support
  • By providing “live” information to optimize and maintain momentum in the assembly, integration, test, & QA production / assembly processes
  • By reducing both unplanned work and production stalls
  • By automatically processing and integrating information that would otherwise be processed manually, or simply lost

- More Economically

  • By intelligently optimizing the production / assembly integration path, producing a measurable cost saving




Industry Feedback

BuildIT® is very well suited to the needs of the European Space Industry.

AIT Specialist, European Space Agency

The manpower cost savings are significant, but there is also a major benefit in the prevention-of-loss aspects.

Assembly, Integration & Test (AIT) Manager, Airbus Defence & Space

Every area is immediately useful to us. Just ONE of those menu functions will save us $2.5M on our production line. 

Chief Engineer, BAE Systems (Platforms & Services).

BuildIT® addresses the needs of non-fast moving [low volume] manufacturing. No other system does that.

Assembly, Integration & Test (AIT) Manager, Airbus Defence & Space

BuildIT® is extremely interesting. We have many problems this will solve.

Senior Production Engineer, BAE Systems (Military Aircraft)

BuildIT® handles problems that were not predicted, and fills the gaps between different Management systems and manual operations to provide a much better management process.

Assembly, Integration & Test (AIT) Manager, Airbus Defence & Space

BuildIT® will solve all our problems in one go. We’ve never seen anything like it!

Director of Strategy, AIRBUS

Further Information

For free introductory information, or to find out more about how BuildIT® can help you build Aerospace, Defense & Marine Products - Better, Faster, and More Economically - please contact IT Done Right.

BuildIT® - Build Intelligence Technology™
Providing Build Intelligence™ for Aerospace, Defense and Marine Applications

Photographs courtesy of NASA, ESA/ESTEC, BAE Systems,
Airbus Ltd, Cunard Ltd., Alvis-Vickers Ltd,
Anniston Army Depot, Shell International Ltd.,
Pictures do not imply the use of BuildIT® in all cases.